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My name is Debbie and I am a Death Doula, an Archetypal Consultant, a Shamanic Practitioner and recently became a Veriditas Trained Labyrinth Facilitator.


I can support you in the living and dying cycles, whether you’re in good health, facing a terminal diagnosis or nearing your transition. 


I can guide you into the symbolic & archetypal realm to discover your patterns and transform your life.


I can act as a bridge between the physical and subtle realities. I will help you deepen self-knowledge to engage with what is and what is possible consciously. ​


Together we can weave a unique tapestry of support that empowers you to live well no matter your health status.



Death Doula

A shamanic practitioner serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual dimensions, advocating on behalf of others and working to improve quality of life and a more peaceful transition in death.

Just as a Birth Doula helps with the birthing process, a Death Doula applies her helper skills at the end of life.

The Wise Woman Tradition provides us with the tools to navigate life's ebbs and flows, using wisdom processes to transform our lives.

Archetypal work provides an opportunity to illuminate the recurring patterns in your life and learn how to work with them to create a better living experience.


 “Her (Debbie’s) depth of expertise, her guidance and unique gifts about death and dying have considerably improved our quality of life under really difficult challenges to experience: for my husband, it has been about how to complete his life with his family and friends and get ok with his dying process. For me, it has been how to continue living while watching him die. This is about as hard as it gets and she has facilitated this with both of us together and separately, with ease, grace and compassion as well as challenging us about our preconceived ideas we have had about death and dying… We are both so grateful. I highly recommend her services for anyone experiencing what we are going through.”

– Thérèse

With a wide, poetic vocabulary, Debbie brings deep insight from multiple angles when reading a Sacred Contract. She offers original ideas as well as great examples of how the archetypes may play out in your life. Debbie is able to synthesize the charts eloquently and speak to all levels, including intuitive, logical, literal, and symbolic. Her multidimensional and compassionate approach makes her a great fit for work as a Certified Archetypal Consultant."

- Stacey L. L. Couch, Spiritual Director & CMED Institute Mentor

I am grateful for Debbie's wise woman teachings. During our sessions, she creates a warm and safe space where I can share and discover valuable ways to cope with life events and even everyday situations." 

- Natalie 

My work with Debbie has been completely life changing. There are things that I have worked on for years that one session with Debbie cleared up immediately, and completely shifted my perspective. She is kind, compassionate and her level of insight is absolutely remarkable. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am to her for how she has helped me. Thank you Debbie...from the bottom of my heart. 

- Ida

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