About Debbie

The focus of my studies and my work for over two decades has been to develop my innate gifts as a bridge between the physical and subtle realities, specifically in relation to understanding the soul's journey as well as Death and its mysteries.
As a seeker of peace and wisdom, I have studied many sage teachings. I continue to undertake my life-long voyage of transformation. My path has led me to the healing arts and tools to change recurring patterns and make peace with the mysteries of living and dying.
In my youth, I used to walk with my father in the evenings after supper. I was an inquisitive child and asked him questions about many topics. I remember one evening asking him about death and how he felt about it. His response was simple and influenced my view of life and death. He said, "Death is a normal part of life. You can expect it; it'll happen to everyone.". And then we moved on to another subject. My child's mind absorbed this, but the key part, which I realized years later, was that it was a simple fact of life. Life and death are companions.
As I became an adult, I set out with the same curiosity, drawn to heal my imbalances and delve into the mysteries of myself and my place in the world. In my search, I have found wise teachers, guides, and a sisterhood of fellow travelers.
I have learned about women's mysteries, living in community, and how to be with both living and dying. I have done ceremonies, celebrated rites of passage, learned sacred circle dancing, and engaged with the Celtic Tradition's passage of seasons and turning of the wheel.
I live in balance with the cycles of Nature, knowing when to spring forward with new growth and when to accept migration or death. I spend time in my garden with the plants, trees, and the variety of beings that live among them.
I am also an eternal student. I love reading, contemplating, praying, studying, and reflecting on life and death's meaning and mystery. I am fascinated by people's stories; how they become who they are; their choices; the roads traveled; where their journey takes them, and their unique self-expression. In time, it was my honor to offer my services as a Death Doula, with Wise Woman Tradition and Shamanic Tradition practices.
My love of learning and desire to understand the soul's journey led me to study archetypes which illuminate universal human patterns. I found wise women to learn from and journey with to the archetypal realm.
I am a cis-gendered woman, and I use she/her pronouns. I have been married to a wonderful man for nearly 30 years. We have a beautiful teenage daughter and a cute dog named Whiskey.
Living on Turtle Island
As a woman of European ancestry, I have learnt about and continue to expand my knowledge and awareness of my settler lineage. I continuously examine and challenge my biases and have committed to unlearning the harmful ways of the white supremacy delusion. I live and work in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on the un-surrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation, which has long-lived on these lands. It is currently the home of many Indigenous Peoples.
I encourage anyone who lives on this land to learn about the history and the people of Turtle Island, the long-term harmful effects of colonization, and how we can transform to create a better world for everyone. Along with educating yourself, you can support Indigenous actions in your community through donations to change and help restore balance.
Educational Background
I started my studies over two decades ago and continue to expand my knowledge and practices in the Wise Woman Tradition and Celtic inspired Shamanic Tradition with Kathleen Leeson, RH, a Shamanic Healer and Clinical Herbalist in the Outaouais area.
I have a Palliative Care Certificate from Algonquin College (2007) and graduated from the Institute of Traditional Medicine's Contemplative End of Life Care in Toronto (2019, and I volunteer at a local hospice. I have worked as a Death Doula and Shamanic Practitioner since 2008.
In 2019, I became a Certified Archetypal Consultant through the Caroline Myss CMED Institute. Becoming knowledgeable about archetypal patterns has been integral in expanding my experience, knowledge, and understanding of patterns in the cycle of life, death and rebirth and the soul's journey.
In 2024, I trained as a Labyrinth Facilitator through Veriditas. Labyrinths being a symbol of life's journey with all its twists and turns. I love to meander its paths, communing, reflecting and contemplating the various aspects of the life and death cycle.
I am grateful to everyone who has supported my journey into the wildness of my soul. People with the Teacher or Mentor designations and those who didn’t have any such title. People who are still walking on the planet and those who no longer walk this physical world and, of course, my Allies.